Hello And Welcome To Aqua Movement!
Since you’ve found your way here, you probably already have a fish tank, or some sort of pond and know that this is something you are wanting to turn into a bigger hobby.
If you are truly passionate about fishkeeping and loads more to do with this wonderful hobby, then this is the place to be.
My main goal here is to provide you with all the information and motivation you could ever need to construct, maintain and enjoy a beautiful aquarium or pond.
With this in mind, I hope that you will find all the information you are looking for here.
And, more importantly, that you enjoy exploring my website and perusing my extensive collection of aquatic articles, how-to guides and more!
Featured Aquarium Articles

45 Different Types Of Betta Fish (With Pictures)
Betta fish are one of the worlds most popular aquatic pets. They come in a variation of colors and patterns and fit with almost any type of tank setup. These beautiful fish create an impressive view in your aquarium waters. Betta are not difficult to care for. Really, they are an ideal choice of fish for new ...

7 Aquarium Algae Types With Pictures
Owning a fish tank is fun for sure but maintaining it is not as easy as you may believe. Among the most difficult issue that every aquarist has to handle now and then is the problem of algae. In fact, this problem makes many aquarists give up on fish keeping no matter how keen they otherwise may be. However, ...

How To Aquascape: A Full Guide
Are you getting started with fishkeeping? Are you getting your own aquarium and want to know how to make it look amazing? Aquascaping may seem intimidating from the outside but it doesn't need to be a scary task. In fact, aquascaping can be enjoyable, rewarding and most of all, fun! Aquascaping takes quite a ...
Featured Pond Articles

4 Different Types of Pond Algae (With Pictures)
Algae can disrupt the peace and balance of your pond in a number of ways. First of all, they can make what was once a very aesthetically pleasing feature of your garden into an absolute eyesore. This could be the ultimate wound for any self-respecting pond owner. What's more, the crimes don't stop there. ...

13 Best Types of Backyard Pond Fish (With Pictures)
Outdoor ponds are the perfect way for fish lovers to enjoy the beauty of their fish in the comfort of their backyard. A variety of eye-catching and colorful fish can be put in these man-made structures. You can even put larger breeds of fish in your pond if they are big enough! In short, outdoor ponds are a fun ...

9 Best Pond Algae Eaters (With Pictures)
We're all familiar with that awful green mass that ruin a good pond and put even the most experienced pond keepers in tears. Yes, algae is truly the bane of every self-respecting pond owner's existence. Not only does this pernicious living matter destroy the carefully planned aesthetics of your pond, but it can ...
Latest Articles

What Kind of Water do Goldfish need?
Keeping goldfish can be a real joy, and is a perfect way to get introduced to the hobby of aquarium keeping. However, you should not overlook the importance of controlling the goldfish's environment, to ensure they live to be happy healthy and strong. There are so many things you need to think about when getting a ...

12 Best Celestial Pearl Danio Tank Mates (With Pictures!)
Celestial pearl danios are a great species of freshwater fish that can thrive in both big and small tanks. These fish are on the small side and are one of the easiest breeds to take care of. So, I highly recommend them to new tank owners. They don't have a lot of specialized needs, and they have some unique ...

Neon Tetra and Shrimp – Will They Get Along?
When adding shrimp to a tank, you want to make sure that you're putting the right kind of fish in your aquarium. Some fish breeds can end up harming or even eating your shrimp if they are aggressive. Not all fish will do this though. In fact, there are many types of small and large fish that can live peacefully ...

9 Best Rainbow Shark Tank Mates (With Pictures)
Rainbow shark fish are beautiful aquatic pets that can make for an especially unique tank setup. These aquatic pets require a standard amount of care and create great visuals in your home. They do not have any real relations to sharks, as their name might suggest. Still, while rainbow sharks are not actually ...

Best Airstone for Aquarium in 2023! Let it Bubble
Looking after your aquarium and providing a good, healthy environment for your fish are two essential matters that you must consider. Trying to find the best airstone for your aquarium should be your ultimate goal, as it helps circulate the water and gradually spread air into the tank, as well as helps reduce the ...

3 Ways To Keep Geese Out Of Your Pond
You might not think that geese could be a major issue for pond owners but think again. Although they may seem cute and cuddly, they can actually cause huge headaches for all kind of property owners, including pond owners. They are certainly majestic creatures, with their long graceful neck and proud stature, but ...

15 Best Oscar Fish Tank Mates (With Pictures)
The Oscar Fish (Astronotus ocellaturs) is popular. Fish Keeper's like the Oscar because it is very active and comes in different varieties. The Oscar Fish is a ruthless predator. This is very true if it's living on its natural habitat in the Amazon. This is the reason why raising Oscar Fish requires considerable ...

Coralife BioCube 32 Review – Worth the Money?
You love fishes and you have always desired to have your own tank complete with beautiful live plants, attractive coral, and adorable fish that would be extremely happy in their little home. Yes, a properly maintained aquarium does look great, but maintaining is not an easy task, not at least as easy as it ...

Saltwater Tank Setup for Beginners
Tank set up can be stressful for anyone new to fish keeping. This is especially true if you have a saltwater tank setup. Specialized knowledge and extra care is required to keep these aquariums. Still, with the right kind of information, and a little bit of work, anyone can prepare a saltwater tank. In this ...

13 Best Red Eye Tetra Tank Mates (With Pictures!)
Red eye tetras are a small but peculiar breed of fish. This tetra is larger than the average tetra fish but is still slightly under three inches long. It has a lovely silver body, some black markings, and brilliant blood-red eyes. Really, these fish will stand out well in your tank community. Still, what fish ...

SCA 301 302 303 Protein Skimmer Review
If you want your fish tank to look clean always you perhaps also understand the importance of a high-quality protein skimmer. It is more important for you if you own a reef or saltwater tank. Not just for the sake of looks, you need a protein skimmer to maintain a healthy environment for your fishes. And the best ...

Freshwater Shrimp Tank Setup – Shrimply the Best

6 Best Pictus Catfish Tank Mates (With Pictures)
Catfish are not normally considered stand-out fish in a community tank, but the pictus catfish may be the exception to this rule. This is a fish that is a bottom breeder but has big ambitions, and is becoming ever more popular in the aquarium world. These fish should not be used as a substitute for other ...

10 Best 5 Gallon Fish Tanks – Which One Would You Pick?
Five gallon fish tanks can be perfect for people without a lot of space in their homes. While larger aquariums do have their own benefits, they are not right for every fish owner. One major disadvantage of bigger tanks is weight. The increased mass of larger tanks can make them hard to move around. This can result ...

7 Best Heater For Betta Tank In 2023
When you buy a tank for your betta fish, you don't want to leave it bare. Bettas require accessories and equipment to create a livable habitat. Tank filters, substrate, and lighting are all important items your fish needs. However, one element that needs to go in your betta tank is a heater. Tank heaters are ...

Betta Fish and Platies – Tips For Keeping Them Together
If you want to keep betta fish in your aquarium then it may not be easy to find the right fish to company them in a tank. The main reason behind it is the abruptness of bettas which can cause injury as well as death if the other fish does not notice their movement. It is difficult to find the right companion for ...

5 Best Foods For Aquarium Shrimps
Shrimps have become an important part of the aquarium hobby. These colorful little crustaceans not only look attractive, their intense color even adds some variety to your tank. Also, shrimps are pretty useful. They consume the food that is not eaten by your fishes and thus ensures there is less organic pollution. ...

Can Pleco and Cichlids Live Together In A Tank?
There are many ways you can fill up your fish aquarium at home. Still, choosing the breed of fish you will put in your tank is an important decision. Really, as a tank owner, you want the best information on fish breeds and community tank setup. So in this post, I'll guide you and answer your questions. ...