Hello And Welcome To Aqua Movement!
Since you’ve found your way here, you probably already have a fish tank, or some sort of pond and know that this is something you are wanting to turn into a bigger hobby.
If you are truly passionate about fishkeeping and loads more to do with this wonderful hobby, then this is the place to be.
My main goal here is to provide you with all the information and motivation you could ever need to construct, maintain and enjoy a beautiful aquarium or pond.
With this in mind, I hope that you will find all the information you are looking for here.
And, more importantly, that you enjoy exploring my website and perusing my extensive collection of aquatic articles, how-to guides and more!
Featured Aquarium Articles

45 Different Types Of Betta Fish (With Pictures)
Betta fish are one of the worlds most popular aquatic pets. They come in a variation of colors and patterns and fit with almost any type of tank setup. These beautiful fish create an impressive view in your aquarium waters. Betta are not difficult to care for. Really, they are an ideal choice of fish for new ...

7 Aquarium Algae Types With Pictures
Owning a fish tank is fun for sure but maintaining it is not as easy as you may believe. Among the most difficult issue that every aquarist has to handle now and then is the problem of algae. In fact, this problem makes many aquarists give up on fish keeping no matter how keen they otherwise may be. However, ...

How To Aquascape: A Full Guide
Are you getting started with fishkeeping? Are you getting your own aquarium and want to know how to make it look amazing? Aquascaping may seem intimidating from the outside but it doesn't need to be a scary task. In fact, aquascaping can be enjoyable, rewarding and most of all, fun! Aquascaping takes quite a ...
Featured Pond Articles

4 Different Types of Pond Algae (With Pictures)
Algae can disrupt the peace and balance of your pond in a number of ways. First of all, they can make what was once a very aesthetically pleasing feature of your garden into an absolute eyesore. This could be the ultimate wound for any self-respecting pond owner. What's more, the crimes don't stop there. ...

13 Best Types of Backyard Pond Fish (With Pictures)
Outdoor ponds are the perfect way for fish lovers to enjoy the beauty of their fish in the comfort of their backyard. A variety of eye-catching and colorful fish can be put in these man-made structures. You can even put larger breeds of fish in your pond if they are big enough! In short, outdoor ponds are a fun ...

9 Best Pond Algae Eaters (With Pictures)
We're all familiar with that awful green mass that ruin a good pond and put even the most experienced pond keepers in tears. Yes, algae is truly the bane of every self-respecting pond owner's existence. Not only does this pernicious living matter destroy the carefully planned aesthetics of your pond, but it can ...
Latest Articles

6 Best Aquarium Canister Filter (2023 Reviews)
Without your supervision, life can get difficult inside an aquarium. An aquarium is a closed system. This means that waste and debris will eventually build up making the life of fish unbearable. The best aquarium canister filter provides users with good mechanical, biological, and chemical filtration features that ...

Koval LED Aquarium Light Review
Earlier, incandescent light bulbs were used in most aquariums and they were not really impressive. Such bulbs added too much heat to the aquarium water and were not long-lasting. Also, they did not contribute in any way to enhance the look of a tank. The incandescent bulbs were placed within stainless-steel ...

Reef Tank Salinity Level – What’s Ideal?
One of the most attractive types of aquariums, and one that is sure to appeal to hobbyists everywhere, is the reef tank. Inside this relatively small glass box, you can capture and create your own little part of one the Earth's finest creations; the coral reef. The color and vibrancy of these tanks is simply ...

5 Best Glofish Tanks in 2023 Reviewed
Glofish are pretty similar to most other fish out there. The only real difference is the way they can light up in your tank. Still, this will only happen under certain conditions. First, you need a blue light so your fish become fluorescent. Next, your fish need to be in a darker tank and the lights outside ...

Cherry Shrimp and Betta – Friends or Foes?
Aquariums can be wonderful community ecosystems where lots of different, disparate species of fish, plants and even coral come together. It is this dynamic combination of different creatures which makes aquariums so appealing for enthusiastic hobbyists. However, how do you make a community ecosystem when you have ...

How Long Can A Fish Survive Out Of Water?
Whether you like snorkeling, diving, or have a fish tank at home, you must have wondered at least once how long can a fish survive out of water. Maybe you are worried about your fish being outside for way too long while you are changing the tank water. Or perhaps, you are just curious to learn about those fishes ...

Do Guppies Need a Heater? 6 Guppy Temperature FAQs and Answers
The guppy, also known as rainbow fish and million fish, is a tropical warm-water fish. They are one of the most popular freshwater tank fish species. Guppies are pretty small in size and look very attractive, particularly the males. They are colorful and have a green and deep yellow color scheme. You may also find ...

How to Get Rid of Algae in Ponds
Everyone with a pond in their garden, either for ornamental purposes or for keeping fish, wants to make sure it is as healthy and pristine as possible. Algae is the enemy of a healthy pond. It is unsightly and can greatly damage the ecosystem. This means that your beloved fish could struggle to thrive in an algae ...

13 Best Amano Shrimp Tank Mates (With Pictures)
For more than a decade, Amano Shrimps have attracted hobbyists because of their ability to eat vast amounts of algae. You can easily recognize this fish by their grayish/transparent body. Along the length of Amano Shrimp's body, you will notice a long line of grey/blue or brown/red dots. These dots can ...

Can Ghost Shrimp And Cherry Shrimp Live Together In A Tank?
We will always find a ghost shrimp and cherry shrimp on the list when we talk about unique aquatic species. These are some of the most desired shrimps for aquariums, but keeping them together is the real question. Keeping two different aquatic species in a single tank requires a lot of consideration. There are ...

Can Goldfish and Guppies Live Together?
Goldfish and Guppies are two of the most popular fish for aquarium keepers all over the world. They are gaining in popularity as more and more people discover the peace and joy that these beautiful little creatures can bring to your life. They are a pleasant and colorful addition to most tanks, adding a splash of ...

How to Breed Betta Fish – 7 Step Guide
It's easy to understand why bettas are so popular with fish breeders. The variety in color, style, and types among these fish offer a lot to potential breeders. Still, the process of breeding betta fish can be tricky. If you are planning on breeding betta make sure you are taking the right precautions and have the ...

What do Plecos eat? Best Food for Pleco Fish Reviewed
Pleco is a group of armored catfish, named for the longitudinal row of scutes covering the upper parts of their head and body. They belong to the family Loricariidae. They are the most popular catfish among fish keepers and hobbyists. The most in-demand kind is the Common Pleco or Hypostomus Plecostomus. It ...

20 Best Betta Tank Mates with Pictures
It's true that bettas have a hard time getting along with their own kind. However, it is not impossible to find tank companions for your fish. This could be in the form of a different fish or aquatic species. If you plan on doing this, you want to carefully select a tank friend for your betta. You must consider ...

How to Lower PH in Freshwater Aquarium Naturally
Having an aquarium is a great tension reliever for everyone. Fish are peaceful and colorful, and air bubbles constantly flow through your mini aquatic ecosystem, but this all becomes a sad scene when one of those fish floats to the surface. You might have noticed something unnatural happening in your aquarium ...

Betta Fish Food And Feeding Guide
Betta fish are some of the most sought-after aquarium fish in the world. However, if you're going to invest in one of these gorgeous creatures, it's important that you know how to take care of them properly. This covers all aspects of their health and lifestyle. For example, you should be aware what kind of fish ...

The Ideal Reef Tank Temperature Range
Most aquarists, who have reef tanks, are aware of the fact that maintaining an ideal temperature range in their aquarium is very important. This is essential for the proper growth and health of the beautiful corals. If the temperature is excessively high or way too low then the zooxanthellae algae will come out of ...

13 Best Plants For Goldfish – Do you know them all?
Goldfish are the most purchased freshwater fish on the market. This is not without good reason. They are easy to take care of and add a friendly atmosphere to any home. When you first get your fish, you might want to add something extra to your tank. A few lush plants will definitely liven up your fish's ...