3 Ways To Keep Geese Out Of Your Pond
You might not think that geese could be a major issue for pond owners but think again. Although they may seem cute and cuddly, they can actually cause huge headaches for all kind of property owners, including pond owners.
They are certainly majestic creatures, with their long graceful neck and proud stature, but if you have ever spent a lot of time among geese, then you’ll know that they are also magnets for trouble.
That’s why we’re here to provide the comprehensive guide on how to keep these troublesome birds away from your beloved pond. Your pond should be an oasis of tranquility and peace, a place for you to relax and be at one with nature. It should not be a stomping ground for a gaggle of angry geese.
If you use the tips and tricks that we lay out in this article, you should have no trouble with geese in the future.
Table of Contents
What’s The Problem?

Before we lay out exactly how to eradicate this problem, we need to justify ourselves a bit. You might be wondering what the big deal with geese is. Aren’t they just cool, quacking creatures harmlessly hanging out?
Well, allow us to enlighten you a bit, before we tell you exactly how to keep geese out of your pond.
Noise Pollution
One of the major problems caused by geese is noise pollution. There’s no escaping the fact that a flock of geese is a very loud group. This has two immediate effects. Firstly, it destroys the peace and tranquility that you have worked very hard to achieve in your pond.
This can disrupt you and your neighbors, and generally ruin the appeal of your pond as a nice spot to hang out. Secondly, the noise and commotion is very likely to put off other birds and wildlife from nesting in the area.
Smaller, less troublesome birds are very likely to be threatened and put off by the presence of the geese, so this can have a very negative effect on the biodiversity of the local wildlife.
Agressive Behaviour
But noise isn’t the only issue. One of the major problems is the natural aggression of geese. Geese are known to be territorial and feisty creatures, and this reputation is well deserved. They have been known to rush at humans, peck them and chase them away.
This behavior is only exacerbated in mating season, when the male geese are trying to impress the females. This can make for a very uncomfortable and potentially dangerous situation around your pond. This again ruins the whole space and it quickly becomes unusable.
Another problem is the waste associated with large groupings of geese. Unfortunately, geese are prolific producers of waste. Thanks to their diet and digestive patterns, they will leave a lot of dirt and poo all around your pond.
This can even seep into the water and cause major degradation of the health of your pond. The biological bacteria in your pond can only deal with a certain level of animal waste, so a sudden influx of geese can have very negative effects on the fish and other animals in the ecosystem.
In summary, geese can completely destroy the balance of your pond, so it’s totally naturally to want to keep them out.
How To Keep Geese Out Of Your Pond
Thankfully, there are a few different methods and tools at your disposal to try and keep out geese. These vary in effectiveness and severity, so you need to assess how serious your geese situation before you choose which one to use.
Deterrents are a tried and tested ways of encouraging geese to avoid your land and settle somewhere else. Both visual and audio deterrents are available. Deterrents work by making the geese feel frightened or uneasy, so they are unlikely to stay in that location.
Visual deterrents can include such things as flashing lights, reflective strips or even models of coyotes! These act like scarecrows.
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Audio deterrents serve a similar purpose. These can play sounds that are naturally frightening to geese, such as the call of a coyote.
They only need to play sporadically, so it shouldn’t be as annoying as the constant cackle of geese.
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Goose Repellent
Another very popular method is to use liquid goose repellent. This is a very handy and convenient solution. You can simply spray this in the vicinity and geese will not trouble you again. It contains a chemical that geese absolutely hate, and can detect from a long way away, due to their sensitive noses.
However, us humans won’t even be able to smell it. This is also certified by the EPA (environmental protection association) so it is known to be safe for the environment and bio-compatible with most other wildlife.
This is a quick and painless method of keeping geese of your property. A few squirts and the job is done!
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Bird Netting
If all other methods fail, as a last resort you could install bird netting around your pond. However, it is best to avoid this if you can because netting can be unsightly, and it will dissuade other types of (welcome) wildlife from coming near your pond, such as songbirds.
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At first glance, you might think that geese would be a welcome guest to your pond. But after a while you will realize that they bring a host of issues with them. They are naturally aggressive and will not react well to you trying to shoo them away.
This could frighten any guests and other wildlife in the area, making your pond a very inhospitable place. They also produce large quantities of waste, which can damage the local ecosystem, and cause issues for your fish. And that’s without even mentioning the annoying noise!
Thankfully, there are solutions for how to keep geese out of your pond. These vary from audio or visual deterrents to a handy repellent spray. Netting is also an option for repeat offenses.
Whenever you employ some of these methods, make sure you take into account the wider effect on your local community and especially the local wildlife.
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