Can Ghost Shrimp and Betta Fish Live Together?

Many aquarium enthusiasts will like their tank to have a healthy amount of variety and color. In many cases this involves mixing very different species of fish and shrimp, as well as aquatic plants or coral, and even ornaments like driftwood. Of course, all of these separate elements might be ...

How To Save A Dying Fish In Aquarium

We all want our fish to live long and healthy lives, but unfortunately, over their lives they can be afflicted with any number of illnesses, parasites or infections. Most of these usually have giveaway signs, but it might be difficult for a non-exert to identify them. However, if you feel ...

Water Lily in Aquarium – Unusual, yet Beautiful

An aquarium cannot be complete with the addition of fishes alone. There are so many other things that you have to consider. Among them, the right substrate, LED light, and plants too have an important role to play. There are various types of plants that you may add to your fish tank. You may ...

Reef Tank Salinity Level – What’s Ideal?

One of the most attractive types of aquariums, and one that is sure to appeal to hobbyists everywhere, is the reef tank. Inside this relatively small glass box, you can capture and create your own little part of one the Earth's finest creations; the coral reef. The color and vibrancy of these ...

Christmas Moss vs Java Moss – A Comparison

When you think about a beautiful tank there are quite a few things that come to your mind. A proper filter that keeps the water healthy, your choice of substrate, and beautiful fishes swimming here and there makes a perfect image. You also will want to add some broad-leaved plants and some ...

What do Cory Catfish eat?

Catfish are becoming an increasingly popular choice for aquarium owners all over the world. This is really no surprise as they are relatively easy to take care off, can survive in a wide variety of tank types, and add some much-needed variety to any tank they inhabit. However, as with any other ...

What Do Guppies Eat? – Guppy Feeding Guide

If you are purchasing a pet guppy for the first time, you're probably wondering what do guppies eat. There are many options available for your pet. This is true whether you shop online or in-store for food. Still. you don't want to go with the first guppy food you see. Instead, you should feed ...

The Ideal Reef Tank Temperature Range

Most aquarists, who have reef tanks, are aware of the fact that maintaining an ideal temperature range in their aquarium is very important. This is essential for the proper growth and health of the beautiful corals. If the temperature is excessively high or way too low then the zooxanthellae algae ...

Amano Shrimp vs Ghost Shrimp

Many beginner tank owners will want to make their tanks vibrant and stimulating and may want to introduce one or both of these types of shrimp. When chosen carefully, and suitably looked after, they certainly do make a wonderful addition to most shrimp owner's collections. However, to an ...

What Kind of Water do Goldfish need?

Keeping goldfish can be a real joy, and is a perfect way to get introduced to the hobby of aquarium keeping. However, you should not overlook the importance of controlling the goldfish's environment, to ensure they live to be happy healthy and strong. There are so many things you need to think ...

What Do Clownfish Eat in an Aquarium?

While setting up an aquarium, the one thing that attracts our maximum attention is, of course, the fishes. We spend a lot of time deciding the number and varieties of fishes that our tank will include. And why not, after all, it is when these little creatures swim here and there that our tank ...

Aqua Movement