11 Best Dojo Loach Tank Mates (With Pictures!)
The Dojo Loach is one of the favorite freshwater fishes that are cherry to your eye every time you look at your aquarium.
They are known for having a convenient size that can fit in all tank sizes, and their easy-to-manage demeanor makes it an excellent choice to amp up your aquarium.
However, as they give so much to their owners, you also need to stay mindful of their tank mates to ensure they have a friendly and likable environment to thrive in.
Here is a complete list of the 11 best Dojo Loach tank mates to make this process a no-brainer for you.
So, let’s dive right into it!
Table of Contents
White Cloud Mountain Minnows

White Cloud Mountain Minnows share relatively the same characteristics as Dojo Loach, making them great tank mates.
They prefer to stay at the bottom and keep everything to themselves. Here, calm Dojo Loach can help them blend well in the tank and have an enjoyable time.
They do best in groups of 3 or more as it helps them feel more confident and safe among other breeds.
They also tend to live longer than your Dojo Loach.
Although they are low maintenance and peaceful, they may become aggressive, especially in spawning, when males can be slightly more dominant.
This could lead to a few harmless fights.

Goldfishes aren’t just the owner’s favorite, but your Dojo Loach loves them too!
They like playing around with other tank mates by chasing them around and entertaining everyone.
They are easy to manage and don’t require much of your attention, so you are set to go!
Although they are non-aggressive fish breeds, they tend to eat their own eggs if you don’t take them out at the right time.
Anyhow, considering the peaceful behavior of Dojo Loach and the active movement of Goldfish, they can both create an exceptional balance in the tank.
Harlequin Rasbora

Looking for an energetic fish that is both colorful and friendly with other tank mates?
You can never go wrong with the incredible Harlequin Rasbora that can get along with any fish breeds in your tank.
However, one thing you need to bear in mind is to keep them happy and use their energetic behavior in a good way.
You need to keep them in a school of at least eight or more fishes as they can help fuel Harlequins up.
They also don’t do quite well in tight tank spaces with no artificial coverage.
Therefore, if you have a spacious tank, then Harlequin Rasbora can be a great choice to have.
Kuhli Loach

Kuhli Loach is a bottom dweller who is always shy around the fish breeds they are unfamiliar with.
However, when it comes to Dojo Loach tank mates, you can expect them to share the exact peaceful nature with them and complement each other.
They try to remain hidden during the day and come out in the darkness for food.
They don’t interfere with other fishes and keep everything to themselves, making it easier to be with them.
Zebra Danios (Danio Rerio)

Zebra Danio is one of the very few fishes that are compact, easy, and can adjust in all kinds of aquariums.
They prefer to stay with a school of other fishes and enjoy socializing with others.
Thanks to their friendly nature, they can help Dojo Loach open up and be more outgoing in the tank.
Zebra Danios prefer warm climate and pH levels of Shark fish to make it easier for you to keep them together.
They can go well with any fish breeds and tend to prefer different kinds of breeds in their tank.
This makes them an ideal choice to count on if you need a new tank mate for your Dojo Loach.
Rosy Barbs

Rosy Barbs are one of the best Dojo Loach Tank Mates you can find to keep the tank environment happy and peaceful at all times.
They may be shy at first, but once they familiarize themselves with the new fish breeds and build bonding with them, it will get easier for them to gain confidence over time.
It is especially true when they are socializing with different kinds of fish breeds.
Many fish find it annoying how they chase other fishes with flowing tails around and occasionally fin-nip.
However, once they connect well with your Dojo Loach, they are likely to focus more on group activities than fin nipping and bugging other fishes.
Rubber Lip Pleco

Rubber Lip pleco is the most peaceful fish you can ever find out there.
In fact, they are the most relaxed with freshwater fishes that offer relatively the same kind of behavior.
They hate creating problems in groups which makes them an excellent choice for a tank mate.
Their usual activities are quite mellow, and they prefer to live in a protected spot. You should never pair Rubber Lip Pleco with other aggressive fishes.
They like to mind their own business and do all the fun by themselves unless someone like a Dojo Loach can pair well with them and help them open up a bit more and socialize with others.
Leopard Danios

Are you a fan of leopards? Then get your hands on Leopard Danios that are highly active yet peaceful to have around.
They have been widely used as starter fishes welcoming to other fish breeds and can easily blend well with their Dojo Loach tank mates.
Their behavior is no different from normal danio fish as they are both productive and quick swimmers.
These Leopard Danios can quickly become the “The life of the party” in your aquarium and can lift other fishes too.
However, one thing that might make you reluctant to go for them is that they have been quite aggressive because of their highly energetic nature.
You are likely to see them chasing around other fishes and even nipping them to get moving.
Luckily, all of this is harmless and can be an excellent choice if they get along with a Dojo Loach.
Therefore, getting a Leopard Danio can have a strong impact on the overall aquarium and its fishes.

Bitterlings are popular for being slightly manipulative and their unusual method of breeding.
They are a great choice to have in your tank along with Dojo Loach, as they perfectly complement each other’s personalities.
Considering how they are quite small fishes, they easily fit into any aquarium that you already have and can be carried on with their easy maintenance for added convenience.
Paradise Fish (Macropodus Opercularis)

If convenience is your bet, nothing can beat Paradise fish with their impressive easy-going personality!
They can live with any food and appreciate any effort you make for them.
Although they can be quite aggressive to have, once they get along with a particular fish, it can make the rest of the process a lot smoother.
It is recommended not to feed them for the first few days of housing to help them accept a broader range of food items and make it easy to keep up with them.
As for the kind of tanks they prefer, they generally prefer heavily planted tanks with no water flow, and thus gentle filtration can be your best bet to go.
Providing them the environment they want can help them be on their best behavior and not act aggressively towards the other fishes that tend to be more peaceful and prefer their own space in the aquarium.

Bichir fishes are also bottom-dwellers and spend most of the time at the bottom of the tank along with your Dojo Loach, who stay out during the day and only come at night to show their true colors and feed on the food you provided.
They are best to be kept with bigger or moderate size fishes as they are prone to nipping or even eating smaller ones if you failed to give them food at the right time.
Although they are easy to maintain, you need to be extra careful about your eating habits and set up a tank in their preferred way.
Considering how they have poor eyesight, they depend on their senses to look for food and carry out other activities.
Another interesting thing to note here is that you can expect your Bichir to casually walk around on the substrate of your tank and play around.
Yes, that’s right! They use their fins and tail actually to walk and search for food.
They also don’t have any trouble sharing their tank with other fish breeds who are preferably larger than their own size to help them get along well and be relatively active.
These traits can make it effortless for you to take care of Bichirs and Dojo Loaches at the same time.
Dojo Loach Behavior and Tank Requirements

Now that you are aware of the best Dojo Loach Tank Mates, it’s time you get an idea of what your Dojo Loach wants and behavior that makes them an excellent tank mate to have with these other fish breeds.
When it comes to behavior, Dojo Loaches are quite peaceful fishes that can be social and playful when paired with the right fish breed and large groups.
Therefore, they never have trouble opening up and lifting the energy in your aquarium.
Not only are they great with other fishes, but they will also leave no stone unturned to become your favorite pet as well.
They can take good care of themselves and will have no problem letting you touch them by hand.
You will always find them exploring the tank, socializing, and finding food for themselves.
However, the good part is, this high energy will never become a problem for you.
Dojo Loach can live for 7 to 10 years, and this can be impacted by a wide range of living conditions to help them live a healthy life.
Coming to the tank requirements of these Dojo Loaches, they can easily bear all kinds of living conditions as long as they have met their initial requirements.
This means have a sizable tank to help them swim around and explore with ease and support their long body.
Sure they can be shy at times, but this will never stop them from roaming around and familiarizing themselves with never nook and corner of the tank.
Thus, try to go for a medium to large-sized tank at least 4 feet long and occupy 55 gallons of water.
As they prefer having adequate hiding space in their tank, you need to make sure to fill the tank up with plants and stones to make it the ideal place for them to stay.
Plastic decorations can also do wonders for the fish to have a friendly environment to thrive and build better bonding with their tank mates.
Coming to the end of the guide, as you can see, Dojo Loach is quite social and likable to other fishes as well.
This means they will have no trouble adjusting with the rest of the fishes as you grow them in number.
Although they may be shy at first, once you start adding a school of fish in the aquarium, watch how your Loach changes up their mood in an instant.
However, where a good tank mates can elevate their experience in the tank, a bad one can do the opposite.
Therefore, be mindful of the mates you choose for them and ensure the newer fishes positively influence your Dojo Loach.
Good luck!