11 Best Floating Aquarium Plants Reviewed
Aquarium plants are essential to any healthy tank environment. Still, it can be difficult to find the right plant for your tank.
Aquatic greenery comes in several variants. Plants can be potted, they can be rooted and grow massive. Alternatively, you can grow grassy mosses that create a nice blanket for your tank. These and many more forms of fauna will fill your aquarium.
Really, most of these options will fit the needs of an aquarium. They all serve a vital purpose by creating better quality water in your fish tank. However, if you need to narrow down your options we have the perfect choice for you.
In this guide, we will introduce you to the best floating aquarium plants.
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11 Best Floating Aquarium Plants Reviewed
Let’s show you some of the best species these plants have to offer. In this next section, you will learn about the best floating aquarium plants.
These eleven floating plants were carefully chosen for you and your pet. With our guide, you won’t have to do much extra research. We want you to find the right plant for your tank!
1. Duckweed Plant (Lemna Minor)
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The first plant on this list is the Duckweed. Duckweed is ideal for people that have an aquarium on the smaller side. The leaves on this plant are vibrant enough to really pop in your tank. But they aren’t large enough that they will crowd your limited amount of tank space.
This is a short but hardy plant. You can put it in almost any water condition without it dying. You can also give it any amount of light you want.
This plant provides your fish with plenty of shade. But isn’t so thick that it will obstruct light in your tank. Duckweeds are the tiniest plants you can get for a tank. They are usually found in lakes and ponds.
Despite their size though, these plants grow pretty quickly. So you want to watch this fauna and trim it often. If you have a small fish that likes to eat a lot this is the perfect plant for them. Bigger fish with a large appetite might eat the plant up all at once though.
Check Price and Reviews on Amazon
Video: “Best/Worst Live Plants for Tropical Aquariums – Duckweed”
2. Hornwort
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Hornworts are pretty popular among fish owners. So they will be easy for you to find in your local pet shop. The Hornwort is meant primarily for freshwater tanks and is found in all kinds of environments. The temperature range for the Hornwort is amazing. They can be put in tanks that are between fifty-nine degrees and eighty-six degrees Fahrenheit. This adaptability makes the Hornwort easy to maintain and plant.
This is by far the simplest plant to grow on the list. If you are a new fish owner we highly recommend this plant.
Hornworts grow large though, so you won’t want to put them in a tank below fifteen gallons. Some of these plants can even grow up to fifteen feet if they are in the right conditions. Still, you shouldn’t have any problems keeping them in check. Just keep your Horwort well pruned.
Overall, this is one of the best floating aquarium plants you can buy.
Check Price and Reviews on Amazon
Video: “Hornwort: A Hardy Aquarium Plant”
3. Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium Laevigatum)
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The next plant on this list is the Amazon Frogbit. The Amazon is a beautiful plant with a lily pad-like shape. It’s a unique fauna that has long roots growing up to twenty inches.
This plant will add a great visual touch to your tank. They don’t look like the other floating plants in this guide. When you plant Frogbit try placing them in a medium to large-sized tank. This will work best for their dimensions.
These plants don’t have many requirements, but their leaves should be kept dry. The roots can be fully submerged, but the top of this plant is prone to rotting if they are wet. So be on the lookout to keep your plant in good shape. In addition, you’ll want to trim the Forgbit fairly regularly. These plants can get pretty thick.
They have a tendency to cover the entire surface of your tank. This will lead to light blocking and oxygen deprivation in your tank. As long as you care for your plant this shouldn’t happen though.
Check Price and Reviews on Amazon
Video: “Amazon Frogbit”
4. Water Lettuce
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Water Lettuce almost looks like a flower in bloom as they rest at the top of your tank. These are great looking plants that don’t grow too big. So they can definitely work with your smaller tank.
Water lettuce is not as easy to grow as other floating plants. But if you have some tank experience they are worth the effort. These plants like warmer temperatures at around seventy to eighty degrees Fahrenheit. They do best in humid air and stronger water movement as well.
Getting the condition of your tank just right can be a challenge for some plant owners. Still, this is a quality floating plant that fits well with tropical and warmer climate fishes.
Check Price and Reviews on Amazon
Video: “Water Lettuce Care & Info Pistia”
5. Java Moss
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Java Moss is another easy to cultivate floating plant. This Moss has sturdy foliage that has no trouble growing in multiple climates.
Like the Hornwort, Java can handle both cold and warm water temperatures. If you have never grown a tank plant before, this could be a good first plant for your aquarium. Again, the care of Java is very simple. In terms of light, you can give the plant whatever level of lighting you want.
Java Moss grow fast though, so if you want a more manageable plant you can give it less light.
All in all, Java is a popular plant choice for fish owners. It filters tanks well and works with almost any environment. You can also use it in multiple ways. Some people like to keep this plant floating around in their tank.
However, if you want some grass in your tank you can put some Java at the bottom of your aquarium. We recommend this plant as one of the best floating aquarium plants.
Check Price and Reviews on Amazon
Video: “Java Moss Aquarium Plant Profile”
6. Water Wisteria (Hygrophila Difformis)
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Water Wisteria are fairly flexible tank plants. They work best as floating plants, but like the Moss, they have other uses. You can plant them as a carpet for your tank or you can make them into a centerpiece. What you do with them in the water is up to your preference.
Floating these plants is by far the easiest option. Just make sure the water is warm enough for your plant. They like temperatures of around seventy to eighty-two degrees Farhenheit.
They also like medium to high-level lighting. The roots of the plant can get pretty big, but the Wisteria can still be put in smaller tanks. You’ll just have to cut it every now and then.
Check Price and Reviews on Amazon
Video: “Aquarium Plant – Water Wisteria”
7. Cabomba
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Cabomba is a tank plant that is getting more and more attention recently. Unlike the other plants on this list, you will find the Cabomba has a few different colors to choose from. You can get your plant in a standard green color of course. But if you want more interesting options, get a red or purple plant. Just know that the more colorful versions of the plant can be harder to grow.
Cabomba looks stylish in tanks, but they are not a plant for newer tank owners. This plant needs a lot of light. You have to buy water nutrients for it. And the water needs to be kept at a high temperature with consistency. Keeping these water conditions can be difficult for beginners. But if you are up to the task this can be a nice addition to your aquarium.
Check Price and Reviews on Amazon
Video: “Green Cabomba – Plant Profile”
8. Brazilian Pennywort
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Brazillian Pennyworts are fast-growing aquatic fauna. This species is a great introduction to floating plants. Especially, if you have never had a planted tank before.
You can keep your Pennyworth in almost any kind of temperature and in a good range of Ph’s. Lighting is also easy to provide for your plant. Just keep the water clean and clear of debris and trim your plant when it gets overgrown.
With very little care, the Pennyworth will flourish in your tank. It’s delicate and vividly green leaves will make any tank look fresh and homey for your fish.
Check Price and Reviews on Amazon
Video: “Brazilian Pennywort Care”
9. Water Spangles
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Water Spangles have a similar look to Duckweed but are a little larger. The benefit of this plant is that it will give your fish a lot of shaded areas.
Minimal care is required for the Water Spangle. They like all kinds of water conditions and won’t demand much out of plant owners. Sometimes these plants can grow too much. You want to curb the growth of this plant with an occasional trim.
Overall, these are cute and simple plants that work for any fish owner.
Check Price and Reviews on Amazon
Video: “Salvinia Minima floating plants suck up Nitrate extremely well”
10. Red Root Floater
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Red Root Floaters are originally from South America. The leaves of the plant are green and small, but the roots come in shades of red.
So if you want a little bit of color in your tank this plant might be for you. You won’t have to do much with the Red Root. Just keep them in higher levels of light. You’ll also want the water to be moderately warm at around sixty-eight degrees to eighty-five degrees.
These are simple plants with shorter roots and a great visual. If you keep your plants in the right conditions, a flower might even bud on your leaves!
Check Price and Reviews on Amazon
Video: “TINY little flowers! Red Root Floater”
11. Water Sprite
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The last floating plant on our list is the Water Sprite. Water Sprites are common aquarium plants that can be placed in any part of your tank. They enjoy waters between sixty-eight degrees and eighty-two degrees Fahrenheit.
The leaves of the Water Sprite are very lush and have a pleasant dark green hue. If you are looking to cover large areas of your tank this is a great plant. Water sprites look like ferns and create a nice rest area for your fish. They can also be a nice snack for a pet.
On the whole, these are great plants that will build up your fish’s habitat.
Check Price and Reviews on Amazon
Video: “Water Sprite Aquarium Plant Profile”
The Benefits of Floating Plants
Any tank owner looking for an easy to manage plant will love floating aquarium plants. With there unique look and simple maintenance, you can’t go wrong. Floating greenery has different features and benefits than other plants. Even though they are easier to take care of, these plants retain the key benefits of more complex planted tanks. You get all of this without the hassle of having to root your plants in substrate.
Overall, floating plants are perfect for many aquariums and fish. They are especially great for new tank owners who want to get into aquatic planting.
One of the biggest draws of floating plants is the ease of planting and growing them. Unlike most plants, floating greenery does not have to be attached to objects. You don’t have to have substrate, rocks, or another base to anchor your plant. Instead, they can float at the surface of your water.
Create the right water conditions, and make sure your water is clean beforehand. After this, all you need to do is place your plant in the water. They will grow easily, and most floating fauna develope roots up to a foot-long. This adds great coverage to your tank and makes for a nice curtain-like effect in the water.
Best Oxygen Quality
You won’t run out of options in this plant category. There are a number of shapes to choose from and several dimensions available to buyers.
A lot of people might not want to bother with the hassle of a tank plant. This is understandable, as a lot of tank plants can be difficult to cultivate. Still, there are many benefits to having plants in your tank. Especially with hanging plants. With greenery at the surface of the water and roots throughout your tank, your water will have the best oxygen quality.
All fish require oxygen in their water to survive. When you put in a floating plant you ensure that your fish can breathe in its water. Plants are great at circulating your tank. They keep your water full of a healthy amount of oxygen. They will also keep your fish’s home toxin-free. This is important if you want your pet to live a long life.
Another important benefit of floating plants, and live plants in general, is filtration. The water in your tank needs to be kept clean. This way your fish can remain healthy. All tanks contain some amount of waste build-up. Filtration devices can help your tank with this, but they might not be enough.
You want your fish to have the best water possible. Plants will make this a reality. They get rid of biological and chemical waste in tanks efficiently. By doing this, they prevent disease and illness in your fish.
All live plants have the ability to filter out your water. But with floating plants its much easier to get this effect. We recommend taking advantage of these plants for their amazing health benefits.
Better Looking
In addition to making your water more habitable, floating plants make your water look better. Plants of any kind will add a natural look to your aquarium. This is great because it allows your fish to live in a realistic environment.
When your fish live in a home that mimics their original habitat, this improves their well-being. Sometimes it can be hard to do this with plants that root.
You don’t always know what the perfect combination of plants is for the best tank look. Floating plants make this a lot less complicated. They look great and naturalistic with minimal effort. It creates a wild earthy look for your aquatic tank that is perfect for your fish. Especially if they like to hide or rest in private.
Some fish are shy and these plants suit their temperament well.
Overall, floating plants are known to be lower maintenance. They grow with less difficulty and require less materials to make them flourish. For a low price, floating plants will improve the quality of your tank.
They will also help you cut back on aquarium costs. You don’t have to spend on fertilizer and other plant supplies. Instead, you can simply maintain your floating plant and receive great benefits in your aquarium.
Choosing The Best Floating Aquarium Plants
You shouldn’t just go with any plant you see in a store. When you choose a plant, make sure to do a little research. As was mentioned before, on the whole, floating plants are easy to care for. But you want to make sure the plant you get is right for your fish.
A lot of floating plants are adaptable to your tank environment and pet. Still, some plants are not going to be a good fit for your fish. A little bit of searching will go a long way. You don’t want to put a plant in that is toxic to your fish. You also want to think about your fish’s appetite.
Some plants are unsuitable for their eating habits. Specific types of fish are known to eat through plants so you need to be mindful. You want to get the best floating aquarium plant for your pet.
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Floating plants are the ideal choice for people who want low maintenance greenery. They are also great for people who are new to planted tanks.
With all the options we provided in this guide, you should be able to find a great floating plant. In fact, we hope you find the best floating aquarium plant for your fish tank.
Live plants are a crucial component to tank and fish health that should not be missed out on.