Hello And Welcome To Aqua Movement!
Since you’ve found your way here, you probably already have a fish tank, or some sort of pond and know that this is something you are wanting to turn into a bigger hobby.
If you are truly passionate about fishkeeping and loads more to do with this wonderful hobby, then this is the place to be.
My main goal here is to provide you with all the information and motivation you could ever need to construct, maintain and enjoy a beautiful aquarium or pond.
With this in mind, I hope that you will find all the information you are looking for here.
And, more importantly, that you enjoy exploring my website and perusing my extensive collection of aquatic articles, how-to guides and more!
Featured Aquarium Articles

45 Different Types Of Betta Fish (With Pictures)
Betta fish are one of the worlds most popular aquatic pets. They come in a variation of colors and patterns and fit with almost any type of tank setup. These beautiful fish create an impressive view in your aquarium waters. Betta are not difficult to care for. Really, they are an ideal choice of fish for new ...

7 Aquarium Algae Types With Pictures
Owning a fish tank is fun for sure but maintaining it is not as easy as you may believe. Among the most difficult issue that every aquarist has to handle now and then is the problem of algae. In fact, this problem makes many aquarists give up on fish keeping no matter how keen they otherwise may be. However, ...

How To Aquascape: A Full Guide
Are you getting started with fishkeeping? Are you getting your own aquarium and want to know how to make it look amazing? Aquascaping may seem intimidating from the outside but it doesn't need to be a scary task. In fact, aquascaping can be enjoyable, rewarding and most of all, fun! Aquascaping takes quite a ...
Featured Pond Articles

4 Different Types of Pond Algae (With Pictures)
Algae can disrupt the peace and balance of your pond in a number of ways. First of all, they can make what was once a very aesthetically pleasing feature of your garden into an absolute eyesore. This could be the ultimate wound for any self-respecting pond owner. What's more, the crimes don't stop there. ...

13 Best Types of Backyard Pond Fish (With Pictures)
Outdoor ponds are the perfect way for fish lovers to enjoy the beauty of their fish in the comfort of their backyard. A variety of eye-catching and colorful fish can be put in these man-made structures. You can even put larger breeds of fish in your pond if they are big enough! In short, outdoor ponds are a fun ...

9 Best Pond Algae Eaters (With Pictures)
We're all familiar with that awful green mass that ruin a good pond and put even the most experienced pond keepers in tears. Yes, algae is truly the bane of every self-respecting pond owner's existence. Not only does this pernicious living matter destroy the carefully planned aesthetics of your pond, but it can ...
Latest Articles

Ceramic Rings vs Lava Rocks – What Are the Differences?
One of the most important components of an aquarium system is filtration. I say that it's the guts of your aquarium. I believe it makes the difference between success and failure. Aquariums are artificial homes. I understand the importance of maintaining conditions in which my fish can survive and flourish. ...

11 Best Fish For 29 And 30 Gallon Tank (With Pictures)
Large tanks can look great in your home. However, if you want something that is a little more manageable, try purchasing a thirty-gallon tank. Thirty-gallon tanks are the perfect size for people new to fish. Tanks of this size are also great for people that have been fish keeping for a long time. Really, the ...

6 Ways On How To Clear Green Pond Water
Outdoor ponds offer plenty of advantages for homeowners and fish owners. Not only can you fit more pets in a backyard pond. You can also make your property look more complete. Still, there is plenty of work that goes into maintaining these backyard fixtures. If you don't maintain your pond properly it can turn ...

Do Guppies need a Filter? Find the Answer here!
Aquarium owners all over the world are determined to make their tank as comfortable an environment as possible for their beloved fish. One important part of this is making sure that tanks are as clean and clear as possible. Of course, regular tank maintenance is part of the protocol for keeping tank clarity and ...

Best Food for Neon Tetra Fish – Top 5 Review
While cats and dogs are an evident and cheerful comforting company, fishes just make things better with their silent presence and fascinating characteristics. Neon Tetras are one easy species to keep in your house. When you are a beginner you need to research and learn about the way the species you got lives. ...

6 Best Aquarium Sump Pumps in 2023
Sump pumps are essential for some tank setups. They help push water through a sump system and keep aquarium water well maintained. Sump systems are meant to store water. They also store other tank machinery that cannot fit in an aquarium system. Typically, you will see these systems in marine tanks and reef tanks. ...

What Do Pond Turtles Eat? – A Feeding Guide
A beautiful little pond in the backyard only increases the value of your home. It looks stunning and you could easily spend hours there just watching in awe. What makes this pond perfect is not just the way you have designed it. The fishes that swim around in glee and the beautiful green plants are what make the pond ...

Fluval G3 Filter Review – Worth The Money?
You have purchased an aquarium and a filter and are very excited. Sadly, in a few days, you realize your filtration system does not live up to your expectations. Or, maybe you plan to purchase a tank filter but do not have any knowledge about it and thus need some guidance. To make things easier for you we shall ...

7 Aquarium Algae Types With Pictures
Owning a fish tank is fun for sure but maintaining it is not as easy as you may believe. Among the most difficult issue that every aquarist has to handle now and then is the problem of algae. In fact, this problem makes many aquarists give up on fish keeping no matter how keen they otherwise may be. However, ...

22 Best Aquarium Filter (2023 Reviews)
A filter is the heart of every aquarium and also a great way to keep fish happy and healthy. Fish produce a lot of pollution from defecating and breathing, and if left untreated, this pollution ends up killing fish as they find it difficult to swim and thrive in their waste. As such, aquarium filters help clear ...

Best Pond Vacuum Cleaner – Top 8 Reviews
Vacuum cleaners are a fixture of modern life. Generally, homeowners use them to clean the insides of their homes. But did you know that you can also get a vacuum for your outdoor pond? Fishkeeping companies have designed vacuums specifically made for your ponds. These devices will keep your backyard pond in ...

Neon Tetra Fish Care Guide
Owning a pet comes with a great deal of responsibility. Whether you have a hectic schedule or are a first-time pet owner, it is recommended that you have a low maintenance pet. Fish make great pets because they don’t take up a lot of place and are generally easy to manage. When compared to other pets, fishes are ...

Nicrew ClassicLED Aquarium Light Review
You have selected the best tank, added high-quality substrate, water, plants, and fishes. But that is not all. You have forgotten one of the most important things, aquarium lights. Without these lights, you will not be able to see the lives within your tank and your fishes will get scared too. Also, the right ...

Live Rock vs Dry Rock in Saltwater Tank
After months of savings and research, you have finally decided to buy a beautiful aquarium. This tank will soon be home to your favorite fish species. You have decided the filtration system you will use and also the food that you will feed the fishes. But have you decided how you will decorate your tank? If ...

Best Food for Flowerhorn Fish (Growth and Color)
We all know diet is essential to fish health and overall well-being. It has a massive impact on their ability to breed and grow, on their resistance to disease and infection, on the vividness of their coloring and on their overall energy levels and behavior. If you want to see your flowerhorn fish at their ...

6 Easy Steps On How To Increase Oxygen in the Fish Tank
Keeping an aquarium is far too different from having your first goldfish in a fishbowl. You'd need to learn the various factors to keep fish alive in an aquarium. One of the biggest mistakes most first-time aquarists do is not giving fish enough oxygen. Having adequate oxygen in a fish tank is a crucial part of ...

How To Save A Dying Fish In Aquarium
We all want our fish to live long and healthy lives, but unfortunately, over their lives they can be afflicted with any number of illnesses, parasites or infections. Most of these usually have giveaway signs, but it might be difficult for a non-exert to identify them. However, if you feel your fish is in real ...

8 Best LED Refugium Lights to Grow Chaetomorpha
A refugium is a great asset for any tank. Whether you have a marine or freshwater aquarium, you can definitely benefit from having this add on tank structure. Still, refugium’s are only as good as the flora growing in them. Algae are a common option, and many aquarists choose to put Chaetomorpha into their ...
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